Tag Archives: Spring gardening

Colorado Gardening Calendar for March 2024

By: Valerie Podmore CSU Extension-Denver Master Gardener since 2020

Hey friends, remember when it was January, and we were all lamenting how it seemed to never end? And then February was unseasonably warm and short, but Punxsutawney Phil did tell us early spring!  Well, celebrations are in order because it’s MARCH!

This is one of the best months for watching new growth come up and reigniting that gardening bug. Of course, there are other, more “productive” tasks to perform as well, so mark your calendar to get these gardening to-do’s done in your yard and garden.

Vegetable Garden

So, my first attempt at veggie gardening was “fun,” but because I’m not super into cooking it may have stopped me from being more attentive to my sad plants. That’s ok, maybe I’ll stick to flowers instead. For those of you who are more dedicated than I, take a look at some tasks below and know that gardening in Colorado usually requires the fastest-growing, most weather-hardy vegetable varieties.

  • Clean out debris and replenish soil in vegetable beds while we wait for our seeds to start.
  • Starting seeds indoors in March is perfect for any vegetables that should be planted outdoors in early April. Here is a list of seed companies if you are thinking of starting your vegetables from scratch.
  • This link from The Old Farmer’s Almanac has all the recommended indoor and outdoor planting dates for vegetables and herbs.
  • Think about layouts for your raised beds (if that’s what you’re using). This pdf has a lot of helpful information.
  • Since spring seems to be coming early, vegetable garden water conservation might be a good topic to study.

Trees and Shrubs

  • Late winter/early spring are ideal times to trim trees, as explained on this page by the Colorado Forest Service.
  • Precipitation in late 2023 was sparse, so it’s always a good idea to remember good watering habits for our trees and shrubs.
  • This interesting article explains tree root systems and how our soil health, moisture and compaction (or not) can affect these very important plants.

Lawn Care

To lawn or not to lawn is becoming a much-discussed subject, given higher temperatures and lower precipitation amounts. Historically, many homes have yards planted with Kentucky Blue Grass lawns, which need more water, mowing and fertilization. This might be a good time to consider replacing your lawn with more native grasses (if you want to keep a lawn) or other native plants.

  • In conjunction with Denver and other counties’ water providers, Resource Central has a lawn removal program to assist with moving to more natives.
  • This is a great article about what native lawns can be planted instead of that water-hungry bluegrass.
  • For those who want to keep their lawns as is (no judgement here!), mid- to late-March is a great time for aerating and general tidying.

Perennial Flower Beds

When I first became interested in gardening, I was – like all of us, I’m sure ­– in love with plants that were different looking, showy, flowering and easy to grow in places like Alabama, but not Colorado. I’m finally learning my lesson that it really is about the principle of right plant, right place. In addition, having listened to and read books and articles about the benefits of planting natives in our landscapes, I am becoming more attentive to what plants I choose for my landscape. I look not only for beauty, but regeneration and restoration. I mean who wouldn’t want to be part of a national movement like Homegrown National Park?

  • Since I’m on my native plant kick, here’s a plug for these Colorado native perennials that can really enhance our landscapes and make them more sustainable.
  • This is also a great month to start clearing out old, dead growth – as long as the weather is warm enough – to make room for shoots popping out of the ground.
  • This page gives great information on perennial gardening so you can have everything prepped when you’re ready to put actual plants in the ground.

Annual Flower Beds

  • Even though you can plant annuals pretty much anytime, they MOSTLY like being planted after last frost (usually around May 10-15).
  • This is a great time to look at cool-weather annuals like pansies.
  • The annual CSU Flower Trials have tested and found flowers that are hardiest and grow best through the tough, Colorado life. Check it out!

Make sure to mark your calendar for the May Denver Master Gardener plant sale (May 18 & 19) and visit the CSU Extension Yard and Garden website (https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden) for more gardening tips.

Colorado Gardening Calendar for May 2023

By: Valerie Podmore, CSU Extension – Denver Master Gardener since 2020

May is finally here (or What? Already? Depending on your point of view). Now we can get down to the real business of planting. While Denver’s last frost generally falls between May 5th and 15th, we know the weather can change at any minute (remember last year’s snow on the 21st?), we can make progress on many gardening tasks to keep us happy.

First, mark your calendar to make sure you don’t miss the Denver Master Gardener Plant Sale on May 20th and 21st at Harvard Gulch Park. We think it’s the best plant sale around!

Next, look at the information below to make sure you have garden success this month.

Vegetable and Herb Garden

This is something I’m attempting more of this year and am excited that the time has come to begin. Having said that, I KNOW it’s important to pay attention to temperatures, light and water needs of veggies and herbs so will be reading up as much as possible to have success. Wish me luck!

Here’s some solid advice.

  • Now is the time to plant colder weather veggies and herbs. These include lettuces, spinach, peas, broccoli, cabbage, among others. This article gives great information on cool season veggies.
  • Wait till later in the month, when the soil has warmed up and evening temperatures are consistently above 50 degrees, to plant warm season veggies such as tomatoes. Same for everyone’s favorite herb, basil. Learn more here.
  • Before planting in the garden, be sure to harden off, or acclimate transplants to outdoor temperatures to help them establish. Find tips here.
  • If you are wanting to plant herbs look at this AWESOME pdf with so much information.
  • This page gives information on every veggie and herb related subject you could want! Beware of analysis paralysis (my “toxic trait”) as you slide down the rabbit hole of content.

Trees and Shrubs

  • With all the wonderful moisture we had earlier this winter, it’s tempting to think that Mother Nature will take care of our trees, but this is the time to watch and if necessary, water deeply once per week.
  • Look at pruning shrubs and trees to maintain their shape and remove any winter kill. Prune early season bloomers such as forsythia and lilac shortly after blooming as they flower on last season’s growth. Use this guide to help you.
  • Last week’s post about five trees to consider planting contains useful information on selections you might add to your landscape this month.
  • Probably everything you ever wanted to know about trees and shrubs is right here!

Lawn Care

  • I thought I’d seen all there was to know about lawns (well not really, but still…there’s a lot of information out there on the world wide web!), but here’s a great all-in-one information source for selection, care, replacement and general best practices for Colorado lawns.
  • Perhaps waiting a bit to mow will allow pollinators who utilize the flowering plants in our lawns (dandelion, clover) to have just a bit more food.
  • Consider converting your turf to more water-wise options. It’s a worthwhile proposition.  Here’s a great guide to help get started.

Perennial Flower Beds

  • Get ready as the time to plant your perennials is nigh! The old adage of waiting until Mother’s Day may or may not be quite accurate but this month is definitely the time when we can fill in spaces in our landscape with plants which will return again and again.
  • This is a great guide on how to prepare the planting site and how best to plant for success.
  • If you are looking to attract more pollinators, this is an excellent guide to selecting plants.

Annual Flower Beds

  • Annuals can provide so much needed color after a drab, cold winter and there are many which are cold hardy that can go in the ground early this month. Take a look at this information sheet.
  • CSU conducts flower trials every year which showcase the best performers over a three-year period. Use it to make your choices for both annual and perennial plants.

May is certainly a great month to catch the gardening bug (no pun intended), get back to enjoying the warm weather, and get our hands in the soil!

Visit the CSU Extension Yard and Garden website (https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden) for more Colorado gardening tips.

Colorado Gardening Calendar for April 2023

By Molly Gaines, CSU Extension – Denver Master Gardener since 2019

As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers.” But in Denver, where one day the snow flies and the next day is sunny and 70, April is mostly a planning and prep month here. It’s a hopeful and exciting month for gardeners, filled with possibilities and dreams that this year, “I’m finally going to [fill in the blank] in my garden.” For me, it’s that I’ll finally install drip irrigation vs. hand-watering my vegetables and flowers. For you, it may be planting trees for some much-needed shade or creating your first vegetable garden. Whatever your goals, following is a guide to help keep your April gardening tasks on track.

Vegetable Garden

  • Clear debris from last year’s garden and any winter mulch covering the bed, such as dead leaves. Pull any emerging weeds, which are easier to deal with early in the season.
  • When the soil is dry, not wet, or muddy, add a fresh 2-3-inch layer of compost to your beds. This will greatly support soil health and the vigor of your plantings. Gently work compost into the top layer of your existing soil with your hands, a trowel or a cultivator. Let rest a few weeks before any planting begins.
  • Plant frost-tolerant spring plantings, such as peas, spinach, arugula, radishes, Swiss chard, etc. You may wish to soak your pea seeds in warm water prior to planting for faster germination. 
  • If you haven’t yet started indoor seeds for warm-weather vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, squash, melons, etc., now is the time. 
  • Reference this Vegetable Planting Guide to plan for what you will plant when. 

Trees and Shrubs

  • Continue hand-watering your trees and shrubs, particularly if it is a dry April.
  • Early this month, prune deciduous trees and shrubs. 
  • Remove broken branches from trees. Clear away dead leaves and decayed fruit from the base, as they can house unwanted inspects and pathogens. 
  • I’ve sadly been noticing a lot of tree removal in my neighborhood lately. Denver needs a more robust, healthy tree canopy. This is a great month for planting new trees, selecting varieties that best suit Denver’s climate. Here is a guide to successful tree planting. If you’re in the market for a tree, check out the Park People’s annual tree sale on April 22, which supports the Denver Digs Trees program.

Lawn Care

  • Prep your mower, sharpening the blade as necessary and conducting any other necessary maintenance. 
  • If you use a pre-emergent weed product, apply before weed seedlings – particularly crabgrass – sprout. Targeted weeds can vary by product.
  • Fertilize as desired, reading labels for proper application.
  • Denver Water recommends waiting to turn on your irrigation until after the last freeze, typically in early May.

Perennial Beds

  • Cut back perennial plants if this wasn’t done last fall, leaving 3 inches of the plant above the soil.
  • Plant asparagus, rhubarb, berries, bare-root roses. Soak any bare-rooted plantings for a few hours prior to planting.
  • Pull emerging weeds now, staying on top of them early in the season.
  • Divide perennials that are overgrown, such as chives, sedum, grasses, phlox, daisies, hosta, etc. This will lead to healthier plants and better growth. It will also allow you to give away new, inexpensive perennial plantings to your neighbors and friends. 

Other Thoughts for April Gardening

  • Inventory and prep garden supplies. Sterilize and sharpen garden tools. 
  • Sow wildflower and pollinator seed mixes.
  • Consider and plan for any trellising that may eventually be needed for your vegetable and perennial gardens.
  • Be prepared for frosts and bad weather. Have sheets of plastic and old bedsheets nearby your garden for quick tarping in case of late-season snow or hail.

I hope this list makes tracking all of the April garden to-do’s a bit simpler. And remember this about April: attentiveness and proper planning for your landscape and gardens now means less work and hassle, and more ease and enjoyment, as your summer gardening season progresses.

Planning a Garden for Thrills Spring to Fall

By Terry Deem-Reilly, CSU Extension – Denver County Master Gardener since 2003

One of the most satisfying aspects of gardening is seeing dormant sticks, clumps, and bulbs that were placed so hopefully in the soil leaf, blossom, and fruit. At the same time, one of the most daunting aspects of gardening is ensuring that all of that leafing, blossoming, and fruiting doesn’t occur all at one time. A garden that ceases to bloom after the last tulip has disappeared or browns up from the fall equinox until the following spring won’t satisfy the senses nearly as much as one that displays continuous interest. Moreover, landscapes which produce pollen and nectar throughout the season provide important nourishment for pollinators.

Other posts in this blog have stressed the necessity of matching plants to sites, soil, and sun exposure that will allow them to flourish. Horticultural considerations don’t disappear when the goal is season-long color and interest; selecting plants that like the same conditions and grouping them into the areas where they’re most likely to flourish are indispensable to having the three-season garden of your dreams.

The detailed first steps to success with any perennial garden can’t be adequately covered here but are well-explained in the Extension fact sheet Perennial Gardening. Remember the conditions in your site when reviewing plant lists.

Next, consider whether you’d like to include non-native or xeric/native trees, perennials, and shrubs; this decision will determine the amount of time and attention (not to mention water) you’re going to devote to a three-season garden. Xeric plants and Western natives won’t need much maintenance after the first season or two, but a lush English-style bed of roses, delphiniums, and pinks demands careful soil amendment and regular irrigation, mulching, and fertilization. Decide what look you’re after and what it will take to achieve it.

To make plant selection a little easier, here are suggestions from plant lists showing seasonal bloom by non-xeric and xeric/native varieties, with links to the complete lists for easy reference.

Nonxeric or Non-Native Perennials

  • Spring: early blooming bulbs, primrose, candytuft, viola, creeping phlox, hellebore, peony, geranium
  • Summer: garden phlox, dianthus, lily, verbascum, hosta, campanula
  • Fall: aster, chrysanthemum, Japanese anemone, lobelia

For the complete list, see the Plan Your Garden with our Perennial Flowering Plants by Season Guide. Some of the plants shown above also appear in 25 Perennial Flowers That Bloom From Spring To Fall. Timberline Landscaping in Colorado Springs has published a bloom calendar of perennials that do well on the Front Range.

Xeric and/or Native Perennials

  • Spring: early blooming bulbs, columbine, amsonia, windflower, pasque flower
  • Summer: chocolate flower, poppy mallow, asclepias, eriogonum, penstemon, oenothera
  • Fall: helianthus, asclepias, winecups, hyssop, agastache

These plants, and many others, can be found in these Extension fact sheets: Native Herbaceous Perennials for Colorado Landscapes and Xeriscaping: Perennials and Annual Flowers. These resources also indicate water needs, light requirements, and plant heights and descriptions.

Want to see more native plants? CSU’s Low-Water Native Plants for Colorado Gardens: Front Range & Foothills includes not only common and botanical names; height; color, size, water and sun requirements; and wildlife value, but also design plans and photos of great local native gardens. Mountain residents will find the Extension fact sheet  Flowers for Mountain Communities useful for plant selection and advice on cultivation.

Shrubs and Trees

Our guide wouldn’t be complete without recommendations for suitable trees and shrubs to supplement your perennial display. Many plants in these categories offer blossoms, fruits, and/or color that add interest throughout the season; a number of them offer all three!

Here are examples of shrubs that add color and interest through the seasons:

  • Serviceberry
  • Fremont mahonia
  • American plum
  • Buffaloberry
  • Western sand cherry

For a complete list, consult the Extension fact sheet Native Shrubs for Colorado Landscapes. Again, you’ll see botanical and common names, size, and sun, moisture, and sun requirements for each shrub.

Some trees that add interest include:

  • European mountain ash
  • Pine
  • Colorado blue spruce
  • Aspen (Foothills and submontane areas only!)
  • Maple

See the fact sheet Native Trees for Colorado Landscapes and the CSU publication Recommended Trees for Colorado Front Range Communities for more details. Mountain gardeners should consult the fact sheet Trees and Shrubs for Mountain Areas for suggestions.

Finally, don’t discount the value of roses when planning for season-long color. Even with the plague of the Japanese beetle, roses (especially hip-bearing and species roses) dependably add color through the growing season. The Denver Rose Society publishes a list of the best roses for our climate: Recommended Roses for Colorado.

If problems arise, always, ALWAYS rely on research-based information to answer your questions;  Denver Extension stands ready to help!

Colorado Gardening Calendar for March 2023

By Valerie Podmore, CSU Extension-Denver Master Gardener since 2020

I have a confession to make. I have not been thinking about the garden much this past winter and almost thought (dare I say it) I might just pack the whole thing in. However, my eye was caught this morning by the sight of tulips starting to pop through the soil and it made me happy, and I think I have caught the bug again! So, let’s see what we can do now that we are starting to see more sunshine, and the days are getting longer. MARCH is one of the best months to prepare for the upcoming growing season, so mark your calendar to get these gardening to-do’s done in your yard and garden.

Vegetable Garden

This year I am determined to try raised bed gardening and am beginning to research what it takes to succeed. Maybe we can learn together!

  • I’m starting with this article to help me figure out what to plant as a new veggie gardener.
  • The raised bed method of gardening is explained in depth here. I must work to not get overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge!
  • If you are like me and have delusions of veggie growing grandeur, you will possibly have more seeds than any normal human should be allowed to have! Many of these are probably no longer viable, so best to inventory your seeds and order any you might still need.
  • Last week’s post about seed starting is a timely and great way to educate ourselves on starting our plants using the DIY method.

Trees and Shrubs

  • Since we’ve had so much snowfall (we’ve certainly needed the moisture!), supplemental watering is possibly not needed, but anything can happen in March so remember to water your trees and shrubs if there’s a drop-off in precipitation.
  • This is a great month to prune trees and shrubs for those who want to get outdoors and “DO SOMETHING!”

Lawn Care

  • If you love late winter/early spring lawn and garden care (who doesn’t love a good spring clean?) there are great suggestions in this article.
  • Early March is a great time to sharpen up your mower blades and add or replace oil, clean shovels and pots, and generally tidy up anything that has been languishing in wait for warmer days.
  • Late March is a great time to start aerating as long as the ground is not frozen.

Perennial/Annual Flower Beds

  • While most of our garden isn’t completely awake yet, we can still take stock of what plants worked last year and what we’d like to fill in this year.
  • That brings us to seeds and bulbs! See what bulbs you’ve got that can be replanted from storage; what seeds can be sprouted indoors.
  • If you attended the Colorado Home and Garden Show last month (probably good that I didn’t, as I would become way too over-ambitious!), use any ideas you gained for changes you want to make.

Don’t forget to visit the CSU Extension Yard and Garden website (https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden) for more gardening tips, and yay spring!

Colorado Gardening Calendar for May and 2022 Denver Master Gardener Plant Sale

By Terry Deem-Reilly, CSU Extension-Denver Master Gardener since 2003

May is the month when gardening really goes into high gear! Here are the areas and tasks to tackle this month:


  • Veggies and herbs can be planted this month; be prepared to cover them if nighttime temperatures go below 40 degrees. It’s advisable to plant tomatoes when overnight temperatures are consistently above 50 degrees.
  • Start weeding now, in all areas of the garden. Get ‘em while they’re young!
  • Find hints for combatting vegetable pests in this list of CSU fact sheets.


  • Make sure that hoses and sprinklers are in good condition; apply an inch of water to the lawn each week, except during rainy periods. Denver Water has some excellent suggestions regarding lawn irrigation and general care from May 1st through September 30th, when watering restrictions are in effect.
  • Consider irrigating the lawn at night or in the early morning hours when evaporation is minimal. This can be a real turf AND water-saving measure in the hotter months, and it won’t promote diseases.
  • Set mower blade height at two inches – higher grass keeps the soil moist and promotes good root growth.
  • A thick thatch layer interferes with efficient watering and fertilization, so check for thatch and arrange for power-raking if the thatch is at least one-half inch thick.
  • Products like GrubGONE! that contain bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriae (Btg) as a control against Japanese beetle grubs must be applied to turf in May and early June to take effect. Check with a local nursery regarding availability of these products or order them online. Consult this Extension fact sheet regarding Japanese beetles for advice on dealing with this pest throughout the summer.
  • How lawns are watered, mowed, cultivated, and fertilized in their early growth will determine their appearance and health throughout the summer and fall (and perhaps for the next year as well). This fact sheet on lawn care outlines the best practices for tackling these tasks from now until fall.


  • Take a look at the garden to spot any “holes” that can be filled with a good-looking shrub, rose, or small tree – right now is when nurseries have the best selection. Be sure to call the Utility Locator Service at 811 before digging any large holes.
  • Begin watering existing trees and shrubs deeply once a week and check to ensure that plants are well-mulched. Here’s helpful information on selecting the correct mulch for your plants.
  • Start checking for pests; they will become more active as the weather warms and our spring rainfall commences (we hope). Consult this list of CSU fact sheets for information on specific insects and controls. When selecting pest controls, consider their effects on beneficial insects!
  • Now’s the time to apply copper spray to susceptible trees such as apples, pears, quince and crabapples, to prevent fire blight.
  • Finish spring fertilization and pruning of roses; make sure to apply two inches of mulch at the base of each plant and water newly planted roses twice a week for the first two or three weeks to promote root growth. Once established, roses will appreciate getting at least an inch of water weekly as temperatures rise.


  • Perennials can be hardened off and planted now; wait until at least the last average frost date in mid-May to fill annual beds and containers. Keep frost covers handy if we have one or two chilly nights before Memorial Day.
  • Summer bulbs can be planted now, so check them out at your local nurseries. It’s also a great time to divide summer and fall blooming perennials, find excellent info here.
  • Treat pollinators by seeding bare spots with their favorite annual plants, including borage, dill, zinnia, and/or cosmos. Plant as recommended by the seed packets and water. Seeds will germinate in a week or two; sprinkle the seedlings gently every few days and wait for the bees and butterflies to arrive! More pollinators mean more tomatoes, squash, fruit, etc., etc.

May certainly is a busy month in the garden! What’s on your to-do list?

Selecting Spring Bulbs

By Lori Williams, CSU Extension-Denver Master Gardener since 2016

Gardening is a year-round venture, always the next season to look forward to. As we are harvesting late season veggies and ticking off our end-of-summer chores, most of us are already thinking about next year, specifically, next spring. It’s time to dive into colorful bulb catalogs, your gardening (or public) library books, investigate varieties online, and start a wish list! Spring bulbs are a wonderful investment for your gardening dollar. (We call them “spring” bulbs but we plant them in the fall.) Buy them once, plant them once, and the payoff is lovely year after year!


Selecting your bulbs

  • Choose the healthiest bulbs you can, the prettier the better – though I’ve had good luck with some quite sad looking bulbs. If it looks possible at all, I’m putting the bulb in the ground. It can’t hurt. 
  • Choose similar sized bulbs in selected varieties. Bulb size roughly equates to bloom size.
  • By mid-September my fave garden centers start rolling out their bins of bulbs. Car keys, please!


  • Read tags and packaging for specifics on the variety: planting depth, spacing, sun and drainage, fertilizing and more.
  • Correct planting depth is essential for healthiest bloom and better perennialization. Each bulb needs the freeze process to produce a flower. If planted too close to the soil surface, it will probably come up too early and freeze = no flower. Planted too deep and the soil temp is too low for germination to happen = also no bloom. Save the Bulbs!
  • Some bulbs are more rounded, or shrunken looking, than teardrop shaped. It’s a little tricky to know which end is tip or root – do your best. For obvious wide ends or an end with roots: sit that end on the soil at the bottom of hole. If there is a defined pointy end, this is pointed towards the top of the hole.
  • Mid-September through October is Colorado’s planting window. Earlier in that time frame it is easier for me to get this done as the soil is still warm(ish) with some moisture and it loosens without a fight.*
  • Bulbs like being planted sooner, too. They have less time to get damaged or dehydrated, and more time to establish their roots before freezing temps arrive.
  • That said, healthy spring bulbs can be kept in a cool, dry and dark place until you have time to plant.
  • Winter watering bulbs along with our trees will help them thrive.

*Planting procrastination costs a lot of time and effort. When I was a new homeowner I found myself digging in dry, cold, heavy soil on a cold day, one day before Thanksgiving, which we were celebrating 200 miles to the southeast. 50 bulbs were not going to waste.  Planted well beyond late, the soil was a struggle, and I barely watered the bulbs in, if at all. It was a long day!  They bloomed like champs that spring and I was forever hooked on tulips. But, oh brother, it could’ve been so much easier!

I like to plant additional spring bulbs every fall, filling bare spots with spring color. For me, pictures are key for planning. Each spring I take photos of my bulbs every couple of weeks as they take turns blooming and save them for the next fall. I review the pictures before any digging. They show me where the blank garden spots are and, hopefully, help me avoid chopping into existing bulbs. 

You will be so glad for the time and effort you put in for your spring bulbs. Friends and strangers will smile and noticeable pitter-pats in their hearts will happen. Scientifically, I’d say it’s because spring bulbs are basically just truly irresistible. 

Additional reading ~ planting other bulbs in spring:

Let CSU Extension-Denver Master Gardeners answer your gardening questions: by email denvermg@colostate.edu or call 720-913-5278.

Keeping a Garden Journal for a Successful Next Season

Written by Felicia Brower, Colorado Master Gardener since 2020

As you reflect on this year’s summer gardening season, it might be tempting to believe that you’ll remember everything important until next spring. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work out, and you run the risk of doing a lot of guesswork when you’re getting started again next year. The solution? A garden journal! If you don’t already have a garden journal, now’s a perfect time to start one.

Instead of trying to remember what went well and what didn’t each year (or even from month to month), write it all down to refer back to at a later time. If you take the time to write down a list of what worked, what didn’t, and what changes you want to make, you can easily improve your garden in the future.

You can make your own garden journal out of something basic (I use the Composition Notebook pictured above), or you can purchase one at your local bookstore. There are also garden journal apps you can download if you prefer to go in a digital direction.


To get started with your garden journal, decide what information you want to remember. Many people choose to record things like sketches or photos of their gardens, planting dates, problems they ran into, and things that went well. Some people also like to add in general reflections about nature and the time they spend in their gardens.


If you choose to make your own journal, you can customize it however you want. Keep track of anything you think is important to remember.

If you aren’t sure where to start, consider the following questions:

  • What did you grow this year?
  • What grew well?
  • What didn’t grow as well as you would have liked? Any idea why?
  • What took up more space than you anticipated?
  • Were there any nearby trees or structures that covered parts of your garden?
  • Was the sunlight too intense for any of your plants?
  • Did you struggle with pests or disease?
  • What do you want to plant next year?
  • Where do you want to plant everything?

If you plan on doing crop rotations, drawing a sketch of where things were this year can be extremely helpful, especially if you’re not quite ready to plan your 2021 garden yet. Instead of wasting time trying to remember in the spring, you can flip open your garden journal and get a map of exactly where everything was.

It’s also worth noting when external events happen each year. Was there a certain time when you noticed a certain pest appeared? Were the storms worse during some months more than others? Keep track of things as they happen so that you can predict them in future years and work to avoid preventable damage to your plants.

You can also record any expenses (seeds, pots, fertilizer, etc.) to keep track of how much you’re spending on your garden each year and to find ways to possibly reduce the costs.

Note the repairs you have to make around the garden and how often you’re making them. If you’re spending a lot of time repairing something, it might be time to replace it.

If you just want to note the major things, keep track of what you plant, the exact date you plant things in the spring, and what brand of seed you use. The frost dates are great guides for when you should plant things, but it also helps to know specifically when you started, planted, or transplanted things in previous years.

Keep track of where you purchase your seeds, how much you paid for them, how well they performed so that you can make any necessary adjustments.

Wrap down the season in the fall with a review of how things went the previous summer. It will be a great resource to rely on when you’re planning for the future.


There are no set rules about when you have to record things in your journal, but it’s easier to keep it updated if you make a regular practice of it. Taking five minutes to write small updates every time you’re out will paint a picture of what’s going on in your garden to look back on when you’re planning for an upcoming season.


Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, set aside regular time to write in your journal. Write down anything that feels important at the time. (You won’t remember specifics a year from now, so if it seems important now, write it down.)

Make sure that you can read your handwriting and understand what you write. It’s easy to scribble something down in the moment, but if you don’t go back and make sure that it’s clear, it’ll be a mystery when you read it later.

Your garden journal should be beneficial for you and with it you can learn how to manage problems more efficiently and increase your harvests. What you record in your garden journal is up to you, so have fun with it and do whatever you need to do to get the most out of it.